
Watch-Water ® is the embodiment of a new technology, Nucleation Assisted Crystallization (NAC). Transformation of Calcium and Magnesium hardness into non-soluble micro crystals is the fundamental of this unique product. The formed crystals provide essential minerals to the water making it healthiest water available. FILTERSORB® SP3 doesn’t add up any sodium in the water like conventional softeners.

FILTERSORB® SP3 is the result of deep research work along with its undisputable success in the market, worldwide.

Watch-Water®’s core motivation for developing this product was to find a true replacement for the conventional sodium based water softeners, ion-exchange resins or other chemicals, those are either partially functional or functions at the cost of the environment & health. Increased sodium content in water or decreased pH factor (making water acidic) directly influence the health problems, environmental damage and damage to the systems those are vulnerable to chemical corrosion due to sodium.

Recent restrictions upon many softeners eventually leads to an environment friendly, cost effective true solution for water softening, Watch-Water®’s FILTERSORB® SP3.